During Bersih 3.0 assembly, the government perpetrated violence to the people and ended the peaceful assembly from the people with ridiculous amount of tear gas; yet, the 8 Demands of Bersih are still not being addressed.
Therefore, SEED,Sunflower Electoral Education Movement is launching the next wave of protest - Hanging Yellow Banner Campaign (GGKK,Gerakan Gantung Kain Kuning), to encourage the whole nation, every household to convey their aspirations on a clean electoral reform for our country and our generations to come.
Our homes will be our stronghold for this campaign. We shall all hang the yellow banner which represents the request of a clean election outside our homes especially at prominent areas such as windows and doors. We have the confidence in the strength of more than 20 million compatriots at home in Malaysia and millions abroad for their support. We are convinced that with our unity and concerted efforts, the whole country would be covered by the yellow banners. This form of campaign will go on 24/7 despite day and night and our BERSIH demands are continuing to be heard and expressed throughout the country.This battle is meant for our children and the next generations to come. For a fair and free society, we can't afford to lose this battle.
All we hope and request for is a clean election hence an electoral reform is critical.
The objectives of this campaign are as following:
1. Sustainable expression of our aspirations of a clean election and to declare to those in power that we will continue to express our wishes, day and night, rain or shine until our demands for the electoral reform is being implemented.
2. To allow our friends & families around who lack of true information to start paying attention to the truthful objective of BERSIH, especially when the mainstream medias are portraying the otherwise, covering the truth by self censoring; governed by the ruling party, resulting many in the country being deprived from the truth.
3. To pay our respect and tribute to those who have been treated violently and injured at 428, also the media workers who had been treated with violence and detained.
We are pressed for time, we are convinced that people from all walks of life in Malaysia will respond enthusiastically. This battle is for us and the next generation, to social justice and freedom.
The SEED, Sunflower Electoral Education Movement is a non-governmental organizations to provide voters with educations, facts to work with towards a fair and clean election. Designed to train volunteers for the electoral reform, and the dissemination of updated information, reduce the urban-rural divide, so that citizens who have no accessibility to the media can also be part of the reform for their family's future and the generations to come. If you wish to purchase a yellow banner with slogan, you may call 012-9419289 ask for Mr Pow or browse http://facebook.com/GGKKBersih .
428 “净选盟3.0集会”,国家机关向人民施暴逞凶,和平集会在催泪弹雨中落幕,净选盟的八项主要诉求至今仍被政治口水模糊了焦点。因此,向日葵选举教育运动(SEED,Sunflower Electoral Education Movement)即日起发起进行下一波的抗议活动——“回归净选诉求:挂黄布运动”(GGKK,Gerakan Gantung Kain Kuning),呼吁全体国人响应,家家户户传达净选盟诉求。
向日葵选举教育运动(SEED,Sunflower Electoral Education Movement)是提供选民教育的民间组织,旨在训练选举改革志工,传播选改资讯,缩短城乡鸿沟,让无法接触主流资讯管道的公民也能分享重要讯息。欲购买黄色布条,请拨电012-9419289询问Mr.Pow,或浏览http://facebook.com/GGKKBersih。
Perhimpunan Duduk Bantah Bersih 3.0 sudah berlalu, sandiwara kerajaan telahpun lengkap, Rakyat telah dikasari tetapi tuntutan BERSIH masih tidak diambil peduli. Oleh yang demikian, gelombang selanjutnya adalah Gerakan Gantung Kain Kuning (GGKK).
Mengambil tempat kediaman masing-masing, kain kuning yang melambangkan tuntutan BERSIH boleh digantung di semua tingkap, pintu atau mana-mana sudut yang jelas kelihatan.
Kita berharap, tuntutan BERSIH dapat terus membara dengan tindakan gantung kain kuning 24 jam sehari, siang dan malam di seluruh kota mahupun seluruh Negara.
Dalam keadaan masa tersuntuk, kita merayu kerjasama dari orang ramai demi masa depan anak kita, demi Keadilan dan masyarakat yang bebas dari segala cengkaman, kita tidak boleh mengalah!
Sejak titik permulaan, matlamat kita adalah proses pilihanraya yang bersih dan adil.
Menggantung kain kuning membawa manafaat seperti berikut:
1. Kita tidak punyai masa yang banyak untuk menentang kerajaan yang tidak berkepedulian kepada Rakyat, masing-masing perlu tumpu pada kerja harian, maka, kesinambungan tuntutan BERSIH boleh digambarkan melalui GGKK.
2. Untuk menangani media arus perdana yang kuat tipu helah dan menutup kebenaran, GGKK membolehkan mereka yang kurang terdedah kepada maklumat mula mengambil berat tentang pentingnya pilihanraya yang bersih dan adil
3. Sebagai tanda penghormatan kepada peserta BERSIH 3.0 dan wakil media yang dikasari sehingga cedera serta membidas kerajaan yang menggunakan taktik kotor dan kekasaran yang melampau dalam perhimpunan Duduk Bantah ini.
* Mr. Straw hat is hanging yellow banner campaign spokesperson.
* for more detail please visit http://facebook.com/GGKK or http://bersih428.blogspot.com .
*The SEED, Sunflower Electoral Education Movement is a non-governmental organizations to provide voters with educations, facts to work with towards a fair and clean election. Designed to train volunteers for the electoral reform, and the dissemination of updated information, reduce the urban-rural divide, so that citizens who have no accessibility to the media can also be part of the reform for their family's future and the generations to come.